Thursday, March 2, 2017

Illustrator CC 2017

illustrator is best for Design
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Pixel-perfect artwork creation
Draw paths and shapes that seamlessly align to the pixel grid. Align existing artwork with a single click or by using simple transformations. Preserve Live Shapes and rounded corners, maintain alignment when scaling and rotating objects, and manually nudge segments and end points into perfect alignment.

Discover how to create crisp lines and artwork in your UI/UX projects as well as your web, screen, and other digital designs.

Never wrestle with anti-aliased icons and fuzzy art again
Now create paths that automatically align to the pixel grid as you draw them. Or align art to the pixel grid in just one click. 
You can customize the pixel-snapping feature. Click the Snap to Pixel icon in the Control panel and click the pull-down menu to open the Pixel Snapping Options dialog box. For the most precise control, select all three options to snap while drawing, while moving, and while scaling.

Draw pixel-perfect artwork every time
As you draw, paths and vector shapes snap to the nearest pixel grid. Imagine the time you’ll save when you draw clean, sharp lines from the start.

Art stays pixel-aligned even when moved around
Your paths and shapes align to the pixel grid as you move them, so you don’t have to worry about changing their appearance. You can also fix anti-aliased art just by moving it.
Tip: If any anti-aliased edges remain, press A to select the Direct Selection tool and move the affected anchor point or path segment to the nearest pixel grid.

Customize an Illustrator template

Speed up your designs by using high-quality templates built right into Illustrator. Discover and download hundreds more from Adobe Stock.

Illustrator CC (2017)Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit)Mac OS (64 bit)
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