BDD for PHP using Behat
Fully utilize behavior-driven development for PHP thanks to Behat integration.Behat installation and configuration helpers, Run Configuration, Behat Intellisense (Resolve, Navigation, Generation, etc).
Full WordPress support
WordPress development using PhpStorm made productive with deep understanding of the WordPress code base.Support for hooks, WordPress code style, WordPress-specific navigation features, command line tool, etc.
Remote PHP interpreters
For effective DevOps, PhpStorm 8 provides remote PHP interpreter capability.Run your application and PHP-based tools on a production-like environment, be it the real production server or a virtualized one created with Vagrant.
PhpStorm Features
Php Intelligent Code Editor
PhpStorm features a rich and intelligent code editor for PHP that actually "gets" your code and deeply understands its structure, supporting PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 & 5.6 for modern and legacy projects. The IDE provides smart code completion, syntax highlighting, extended code formatting configuration, on-the-fly error checking, code folding, supports language mixtures and more.
- Language Features Support
- Code Completion
- PHPDoc Support
- PHP Refactoring
- Code Formatting
- Frameworks Support
- Code (Re)arranger
Code Quality Analysis
- PHP Code Sniffer & Mess Detector
- Smart Duplicated Code Detector
- Callback References
- Twig, Blade & Smarty Templates
- Efficient Project Analysis and Navigation
Download version 8.0.2 build 139.732, December 11, 2014